Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A beginning

Hi there! I decided to start blogging because...well...why not? I'm about to start on a hair transformation journey of EPIC PROPORTIONS!! Ok, maybe not that epic. But still. It should be interesting. So, how should I work this? I think some photos would be a good way to start things off.
This is more or less my hair on a daily basis. I last washed it on Sunday night, and have been adding coconut oil to the ends periodically. Sometimes I'll add a tiny bit to the length as well, but I don't want it to look oily, so....I don't do it that much.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Let's just lay out exactly what my routine is, starting on the night before washing:

1.) Gently comb out hair and snip split ends while melting coconut oil. Once melted, coat my hair in the oil until it's, well, oily. Pocahontas braids, sleep.
2.) Wake up and wash with Dove shampoo ONLY on the scalp. Use Dove conditioner on the length.
3.) Gently pat dry with a regular old towel.
4.) Finger comb hair into the general shape that I want, and finish with my wide toothed comb
5.) Scrape a little bit of coco nut oil and scrunch it into the ends of my hair.
6.) Scrunch in about a quarter sized drop of "FX Silk Drops"
7.) Go about 4-5 days of wearing hair loose, making sure to braid it at while sleeping in order to avoid tangles.
8.) Repeat

Whew, that sounds like an awful lot of work when I type it all out. The problem with this routine is that my shampoo h as sulfates, and my conditioner (and the silk drops) has -cones. Never fear! I'm getting rid of them ASAP. In fact, as soon as my Curly Girl book arrives in the mail, I'll start switching over to the "no poo" lifestyle. Basically, I'm going to be washing my scalp with a very light conditioner, and washing the length with one that is more moisturizing. I'm sure there will be many other changes to come, I just don't know what they are yet because....I don't have the book! :P

Just for kicks, here's a picture of my hair in a faux french braid. Ooh, aah.

And another from the front. You can see how frizzy my hair is in this one. :/ That's probably because I haven't washed my hair for a few days though.

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